• adult teeth
  • child teeth

Word Meaning
Pacifier A rubber teat for babies to suck and bite on. 
Paedodontist A specialist in childrens dentistry. 
Palate The roof of the mouth.
Hard palate: The front part of the palate that is bordered by the teeth. It consists of bone covered by a mucous membrane lining.
Soft palate: The part of the palate lying behind the hard palate. It is made up of soft tissues without underlying bony support. 
Panoramic X-ray A complete mouth x-ray of all the teeth and jaws recorded on one large film. A panoramic view of the teeth and jaws. 
Partial Denture Removable false-teeth that replace some missing teeth. 
Pathology The study of disease. 
Periapical Refers to the area around the end of a root. 
Pericoronitis An infection around the crown of a tooth. 
Periodontal Disease An infection of the areas around the tooth, which destroys gums and bone.
Also called periodontitis or gum disease. 
Periodontal Ligament or Membrane It attaches the root of the tooth to the bone 
Periodontal Pocket An abnormally deep space between gum and tooth. 
Periodontics A dental specialty that attends to diseases of the gum and bone. 
Periodontist A specialist in Periodontics. 
Periodontitis or Gum Disease An infection of the areas around the tooth, which destroys gums and bone.
Periodontium All the supporting structures around the tooth, i.e. gum, bone and periodontal ligament. 
Permanent Teeth Adult teeth, also called secondary teeth. 
Plaque It is a thin sticky film containing bacteria. It attaches itself to teeth and converts dietary sugar to acid. It causes tooth decay and gum disease. 
Pocket An abnormally deep space between tooth and gum. A periodontal pocket. 
Polishing The professional cleaning and buffing of teeth. 
Pontic The mid section of a dental bridge between the supporting crowned teeth at each end (the abutments). 
Porcelain Porcelain is a ceramic material. Used for veneers, crowns and inlays. 
Post-Crown A replacement crown that is constructed with a post that is cemented into the root of a tooth. 
Posterior Back or behind. 
Posterior Teeth The back teeth. 
Premedication The use of drugs before, and in preparation of, a dental or medical treatment. 
Premolar Teeth These are permanent teeth between the canines and the molars. 
Primary Dentition Another name for first teeth, baby teeth or deciduous teeth. 
Primary Teeth Baby teeth or deciduous teeth. 
Prognosis Prediction or future expectation. 
Prophylaxis The professional scaling, cleaning and polishing of teeth. 
Prosthetics A dental specialty for the replacement of missing teeth, usually using dentures. 
Prosthodontist A dentist specialising in crowns, bridges, implants and dentures. 
Pulp The nerves and blood vessels in a tooth. 
Pulp Cap The covering or capping of a sensitive or exposed nerve in a tooth, with a substance such as calcium hydroxide, that soothes and promotes healing. 
Pulp Chamber The hollow space in the crown of a tooth that houses the nerves and blood vessels. 
Pulpectomy The removal of the pulp. 
Pulpitis The inflammation of the pulp. 
Pulpotomy The removal of the pulp from the pulp chamber only, leaving the pulp in the root canals. Often performed on baby teeth. 
Pus A bad smelling yellow / green liquid, which is composed of dead and decomposing tissue caused by an infection.
The contents of an abscess.