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Buy Avana Online: Cheap Avana (Avanafil) 200 mg, 100 mg, 50 mg

Medication: Avana
Tablet Strength: 50 mg, 100 mg, 200mg
Price: from $2.6 per pill
Where to Buy Check Avana Prices

Avana products Online

Real Avana is a very powerful remedy for erectile dysfunction. The tablet contains the active ingredient avanafil – the strongest inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-5. You can buy Avana online on various websites and portals of online pharmacies, special stores that distribute funds to improve intimate life. Cheap Avana is very rare. This drug was developed relatively recently and is highly effective, which naturally leads to its high cost.

Instructions for use

Avanafil is an effective and fast-acting agent for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in men. It should be used for problems with erection and potency. Only adult men should take this drug. Today, generics of Avanafil are very common – its high-quality counterparts, which act in the same way, but differ from the original in that they contain other excipients.

Once in the body, the drug is absorbed very quickly and gives a result within 15 minutes. This speed makes the product one of the fastest, which is convenient for men who are not ready to wait long. Sometimes the manifestation of the result from the drug can be slowed down by some factors, including its individual intolerance or joint determination with other substances.

Men wonder how much Avanafil works. According to numerous clinical trials, the remedy has an effect on the male body for 6 hours. At this time, the man does not experience any difficulties with an erection and can freely engage in sexual intercourse. Sometimes the specified period can be extended.

The drug contains the active ingredient Avanafil, in different dosages (50, 100, 200 mg). The auxiliary components of the drug are lactose, starch, sodium chloride and other substances. Generic Avanafil are drugs that also use the main active ingredient, but the additional composition of the product may contain other ingredients. Therefore, before using, check if there are any substances among them that you cannot tolerate.

The main contraindications are: Taking antibiotics and medicinal products that contain nitrogen; Upset stomach and ulcers; Problems with the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys; A recent heart attack or stroke; Heart disease and blood pressure problems.

Where can you buy

The main thing to know is that you can buy generic Avana without a doctor’s prescription. However, consult your doctor before taking an erection remedy to avoid possible adverse reactions.

Cheap Avana online can only be found for promotions and discounts, which are not very common. The drug is strong, has recently entered the market and has already gained a reputation as a good erection tool. If we talk about where I can buy cheap Avana online, then I immediately recall the multiple sites selling potency pills. But be very careful: you can get a fake, an expired product or a simple medicine with a different active ingredient.