• adult teeth
  • child teeth

Word Meaning
General Anaesthesia A medically induced loss of consciousness. 
General Dentist A dentist who treats most dental problems. 
Genetics/Genetic Genetics: The study of heredity.
Genetic origin: Hereditary origin. 
Gingiva Gums 
Gingival Margin Where gum meets tooth. The gum line. 
Gingivectomy The cutting away of diseased gum. 
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums. 
Graft A portion of tissue used for implantation. Can be of synthetic or organic origin. 
Grinding The motion of chewing. Habitual grinding causes excessive tooth wear, and is called Bruxism. 
Growth A tumour or a swelling. 
Gum Disease An infection of the areas around the tooth, which destroys gums and bone.
Also called periodontal disease or periodontitis. 
Gum Line Where gum meets tooth. 
Gum Margin Where gum meets tooth. 
Gum Recession The reduction of the amount of the gum around and between teeth.
The loss of gum around teeth. 
Gumboil An abscess in the gum. 
Gummy smile Too much gum shows when smiling. 
Gums The pink tissues around and between the teeth. Another word for gingivae.